With three (count 'em, three!) craft shows fast approaching, I didn't get around to trying anything new last week since I'm trying to get stuff done for all the Holiday sales. First on the to-do list is more felted mixtape pins. They were a huge hit at Woolly Grooves in September, and they keep getting lots of love. In fact, this pin is the first thing I've made that's received more attention from the boys! (Which makes me wonder, how come boys don't like acorns? Why doesn't
everyone like acorns? Weird.). So, in attempt to capitalize on this new demographic I seem to have attracted, I'm making some limited edition Robot Mixtapes. I assume boys also like robots? I first saw this fabric (robots printed on natural linen) on Etsy and put off buying it because it was expensive and would take a long time to get here (it was coming from Japan). Lucky for me, Karyn at The Workroom started stocking it and my problems were solved. The silver thread is my favourite part.

whoa! hello. can i make a reservation on one of these cute numbers!?! seriously. i want one.
ohmygat! i want one too! we have met before, my name is michelle, did i mention that i would love one too, please? which and when is the craft show these gonna be at? also i have my eye on an eazy e tumbler! whah!
k, i'm blind, and have seen the list of shows at the top of your page. :)
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